Getting Help from Microsoft Product Support Services

If you have a simple question and need an answer fast

Quickly find answers yourself online

Use Support Online to easily search the Microsoft Knowledge Base and other technical resources for fast, accurate answers. You can also customize the site to control your search. To begin your search, go to

If your question is urgent or more complex

Telephone Microsoft Product Support Services

Work with a support engineer to solve your issue through the following options.

Note Outside the U.S. and Canada, contact the local Microsoft subsidiary office in your area. For a list of worldwide Microsoft subsidiaries, see Microsoft Product Support Services Worldwide.

Standard No-Charge Support - for help during business hours

If you acquired this product as a stand-alone retail product, you are eligible for 90 days of support at no charge beginning with the first time you speak with an engineer. You can receive no-charge support via e-mail (explained later) or via telephone by calling one of the following numbers, available Monday - Friday, excluding holidays.

In the U.S.:
(425) 635-7123
In Canada:
(905) 568-4494
6:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Pacific time, Monday - Friday, excluding holidays 8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Eastern time, Monday - Friday, excluding holidays

If your Microsoft product was preinstalled or distributed with your personal computer dedicated system or Windows CE-based device, or provided by an Internet Service Provider (ISP), you are not eligible for Standard No-Charge Support from Microsoft and must contact the personal computer manufacturer, the device/system manufacturer, or ISP for your product support.

Pay-Per-Incident Support — for help after hours or to supplement Standard Support

If you need help after hours, or if you have used up or are not eligible for Standard No-Charge Support, you can purchase Pay-Per-Incident Support. Support fees are billed to your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card.

In the U.S.:
(800) 936-5700
In Canada:
(800) 668-7975
Cost: $35 US per incident Cost: $45 CDN plus tax per incident
24 hours a day, seven days a week,
including holidays
8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Eastern time, Monday - Friday, excluding holidays

If your question isn't urgent

Send e-mail to a Microsoft Product Support Engineer

Ideal for questions requiring attached files, submit a question anytime and receive a response within one business day. Submit a question at using one of the following options:

Standard No-Charge Web Response

Submit unlimited incidents during the 90 day period described in the Standard No-Charge Support section above.

Pay-Per-Incident Web Response

If you have used up your Standard No-Charge Support, submit your question for a fee of $35 US.

For additional support needs

If you don't have access to the Internet

FastTips is a fax-back service providing Knowledge Base articles and answers to common questions. Call (800) 936-4200.

If you need support services for a business

Priority Annual, Priority Plus, and Premier provide a selection of support packages geared for businesses. To learn which account meets your needs, go to Or call (800) 936-3500 for information on accounts for small- to medium-sized businesses and (800) 936-3200 for large, enterprise businesses.

If you need on-site, multivendor, or proprietary product support

Microsoft Certified Solution Providers (MCSPs) and Authorized Support Centers (ASCs) specialize in providing support packages for hardware, network, and software products from both Microsoft and other vendors. For more information about MCSPs, call (800) 765-7768 or visit For more information about ASCs, contact your Microsoft account representative, or visit

If you need text telephone (TTY/TDD)

Available Monday - Friday, excluding holidays. In the United States, call (425) 635-4948, 6:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Pacific time. In Canada, call (905) 568-9641, 8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Eastern time.